Key points:
- Differentiate between the spine moving sideways and the pelvis/legs moving.
- Think about opening up the side and between the ribs on the lengthening side.
- Remember the standing alignment, weight back in the heels, knees straight or with a micro bend, pelvis neither tucked nor untucked, ribs hoovering above the pelvis, head on the neck.
- All of the spinal movements help you 3d rib breath better but the side bend is particularly helpful for that side to side expansion through the ribs.
Key points:
- Check your standing alignment.
- Grab a block or a cushion or blanket. If you have a block you can either hold it between your outstretched hands and press or try to pull it apart. If you have a blanket or cushion, try to pull it apart with the candles exhale. This will help you feel the core engage.
- Lift your arms up, but keep them bent. You only want to lift as high as works for you without you needing to lift your ribs or bring your arms up by your ears.
- Inhale to prepare and then candles exhale as squeeze or pull apart what’s in your hands and bend your spine to one side. You can imagine that you are squeezing a lemon on the shortened side and lengthening through the side waist and between the ribs on the lengthened side.
- Inhale back to center and switch sides.
- Instead of holding something in your hands you can place one hand on your lower belly and bring the other arm over for the side bend (imagine that you’re pushing something heavyish out of the way with that hand). The hand on the lower belly is checking that you’re not bulging or bearing down.